

The Voice of Baluchis

This project represents the difficulties my people in Iran are facing these days due to the recent Iranian protests all over the world. The movement is called Mahsa Amini, the name of a 22 years old woman who was killed in Iran by the Morality police because of not wearing her hijab properly. It is also known as the Women-Life-Freedom Revolution.

Since September 2022, after the death of Mahsa, over 500 peaceful protesters were killed by the Islamic regime forces and many jailed. The worse of it all was on 31st September 2022 in the city of Zahedan when the Islamic Regime forces shoot innocent prayers after their Friday pray was finished and they were going out of the central mosque. Only that day under 100 people including children died in half an hour. The day since then has been called Bloody Friday and every Friday there is a protest in Zahedan in the last 9 months.

There are two provinces in Iran, Kurdistan and Sistan va Baluchestan, where the Islamic regime is most afraid and does anything oppressive to keep them silent. The regime’s discriminatory policies towards ethnic and religious minorities cause so much anger among all Iranians, especially those in Sistan va Baluchestan, where the majority of the ethnic minority lives.

        © copyright Farzaneh Heidari